Terry's Tents & Shoe Repair Limited |
Company Profile
For the first 3 years Terry ran the shop by himself. The steady growing production and an increase of various projects, such as tent and aircraft covers, required additional working space and the construction of a 30' x 60' extension in 1995. Only eight months later he had to build another 20' x 30' extension to the back portion of the existing building to increase storage room. By this time he had a staff of two fulltime employees and with the business still growing he would be needing more help in the future. In 1997, however, he had no choice but to expand further because even the earlier increase in storage and manufacturing work space was not enough. He added another part onto the existing building (approx. 1800 sq. ft.) increasing the total size to 4800 sq. ft. Today he provides employment for four fulltime employees, with the most emphasis being placed on the manufacturing of a wide selection of canvas products. He can attribute the steady growth to being a dedicated company that will provide excellent services at very reasonable rates. Most of his advertising is done by word of mouth and he believes in "as long as the service and the quality of the product is good, the customer will always return." His specialty is manufacturing Labrador Tents in different shapes and various sizes. He manufactured over 300 tents in the last six years and the majority being sold in the Labrador region. Not only tents are his favorite, but also the construction of aircraft covers, wing covers, engine covers and seat covers and other quality canvas products. He is a very creative person and he will always try at least once to see if whatever is requested can be produced. The company has shipped tents to Saskatchewan, the United States, and one sample tent was shipped to Chile. In January 2001 Terry manufactured a vinyl tent measuring 40' long, 36' wide, and 24' high. His employees are essential to the company and they play a vital role in the operation. There are many times when he has to deal with deadlines and Terry and his staff has worked hard to ensure the customers' complete satisfaction. So if you need something, maybe a new knapsack or a canvas cover, he can make it for you. It may not be in a catalogue but that does not mean it can not be manufactured.